A great definition of being “lost” is to be alienated from your creative purpose.
If you’re a follower of Jesus, you are no longer lost with respect to salvation. But you can be lost with respect to your specific purpose in life.
Recent research shows that people who have a concrete purpose live 7.5 years longer than those who do not.
Surprisingly an overwhelming number of believers still aren’t clear on their purpose.
Purpose is the father of commitment. It is the mother of motivation. It is the parent of passion. Purpose provides meaning. It instills direction, inspiration, and unity. It also brings ful­fillment.
Without a discovery of purpose, everyday life becomes oppressive and demeaning. We can find little in it except the next thing which is virtually indistinguishable from the last thing. Purpose rescues us from this mundane existence.
Find a man who has a clear purpose, and you have found a man with a passion. Find a woman who has a passion, and you have found a woman with a clear purpose.
As a Jesus-follower, our purpose should be built on God’s all-governing purpose. And that’s another area of confusion among Christians.
For many, the purpose of God is getting people saved. For others, it’s making the world a better place. For others, it’s bringing glory to God. For still others, it’s making disciples.
While all of these elements are certainly a part of God’s purpose, none of them embodies the Eternal Purpose of God for which He created.
A sighting of God’s Eternal Purpose — which I call His “magnificent obsession” — will free us from the aimless drift of living a life that lacks meaning and direction. (Un­fortunately, being a Christian doesn’t inoculate one from such a peril.)
The magnificent obsession of God strikes a needed chord in every Christian heart. It furnishes us with a controlling vision—a governing purpose—a consuming pursuit. One that is grounded in God’s ultimate desire.


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